A Cappella Workshop: Summer SINGsation!

on Aug. 19, 2019 at Harmony House

A Cappella Workshop:  Summer SINGsation!

Women singers of all ages are invited to a 2-evening a cappella music workshop on Monday 8/19 and Monday 8/26. Bring a friend, sister, mother, daughter and enjoy learning a cappella songs and technique. The program will culminate in a free public concert on Monday 8/26 @ 7:30 pm.

Ticket Information

Tickets by Phone
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Online Tickets
Rochester Rhapsody

Rochester Rhapsody is women's a cappella chorus with a unique blend of 4-part harmony singing. The chorus captures the hearts and minds of listeners and singers alike through quality vocal performance, musical variety, education/personal growth opportunity and FUN! Rhapsody welcomes women singers of all ages to contact us about visiting a Monday evening rehearsals.